Donald Trump

The Attorney General Defied Trump’s Muslim Ban and He Fired Her
Yates had served in the Justice Department for 27 years.

Notes on the 2017 Women’s March: An Interview With Eleanor Goldfield
Goldfield discusses the Women's March, the balance of optimism and hope, and how dissent can lead to progress.

The Goldman Sachs Effect: How a Bank Conquered Washington
Sharks smell blood in the water and go in for the kill. In the waters of the Trump-Goldman era, don't doubt that the blood will be our own.

After Temporary Injunction, Fate of Some Detained Immigrants at US Airports Remains Unclear
Some CBP agents are still not complying with a temporary injunction against Trump's Muslim ban.

Refugee Chaos: Trump Has “Turned the Rules Upside Down“
Trump's order has shattered the plans of refugee families who have waited two decades to settle in the US.

William Rivers Pitt | Trump and the Gish Gallop: A Million Lies and One Truth
The reigning world heavyweight champion of the Gish Gallop debate technique also happens to be the president.

Threats From Trump Administration Further Galvanize Domestic Worker Activism
Domestic workers and allies are preparing to fight any threats to their hard-won protections gained under Obama.

Trump’s Global Gag a Devastating Blow for Women’s Rights
International organizations receiving US funding for health will no longer be able to provide any abortion services or counseling — even with non-US funding.

Is the Left With Trump Against the TPP?
Labor and the left need to make sure we don't fall into the trap of Trump's economic nationalism.

Five Groups of Americans Who’ll Get Shafted Under Trump’s Hiring Freeze
This freeze is a bad idea, but there will be more where this came from.