Voting Wrongs
We expose the injustices that deny the vote to millions — and cover the fight for true enfranchisement.

Series Introduction
In name, the United States is a democracy, but in practice, many millions of people are disenfranchised — whether because of felony convictions, undocumented status, onerous state and local voting restrictions, or other structural barriers. Partisan, racist gerrymandering manipulates districts, stifling the voting power of whole communities. Meanwhile, archaic mechanisms like the Electoral College prevent the votes of all people from being truly counted. Fortunately, activists around the country are working hard to gain the ballot — and make it count — for everyone in this country. This series, “Voting Wrongs,” exposes the injustices that disenfranchise vast numbers of people — and the bold efforts that seek to transform the way the United States does “democracy.”

Illinois Bill Would Restore Voting Rights to Thousands of Incarcerated People
Encouraging participation in democratic processes will do more for public safety than disenfranchising people ever will.

GOP Gerrymandering in NC “Tipped the Scales” of Congress, Outgoing Lawmaker Says
“The MAGA Republicans in Raleigh … didn’t care about reflecting the will of the people,” Rep. Wiley Nickel wrote.

Noncitizens Can’t Vote — 8 States Just Passed Amendments Forbidding It Anyway
The amendments created confusion and could be used to intimidate naturalized citizens or citizens with foreign parents.

The Fight for the Presidency May Not End on Election Day
In a healthy democracy, the election would be over once votes are in and counted. That may not be the case this year.

Pro-Trump Activists Are Using Jim Crow-Era Laws to Disenfranchise Voters
Right-wing vigilantes have been in overdrive attempting to challenge the ballots of 2 million voters by Election Day.

Right-Wing Activists Are Pushing States to Use Their Voter Roll Purging Software
The software programs empower self-appointed activist “election investigators” to attempt to knock voters off the rolls.

Voting Experts Fear Post-Election Chaos But Tout Resilience of Electoral System
Trump is expected to declare victory regardless of the results and blame the system if he loses.

Noncitizens in Santa Ana Are Organizing for the Right to Vote in Local Elections
Noncitizens can’t vote in national elections, but a city near LA is considering whether they may vote in local races.

Disabled People Still Face Barriers to Online Voter Registration in Most States
Shortcomings in web accessibility and other obstacles may disenfranchise 40.2 million eligible disabled US voters.

Will Justice Department Actually Rein In Elon Musk’s Blatant Vote-Buying Scheme?
The DOJ has warned Elon Musk’s PAC that his $1 million sweepstakes for swing state voters may violate federal law.