Donald Trump
Illiberal Democracy, Donald Trump and the 2016 Election
Trump has channeled latent bigotry and ideological extremism into a movement suited for illiberal democracy.
Mike Pence Should Be Asked About Anti-LGBT “Religious Freedom” Laws
Before the VP nomination, Mike Pence was arguably best known for the controversial “religious freedom” bill he signed into law.
Records Show Donald Trump May Have Avoided Taxes for 18 Years
Trump's campaign has not challenged the authenticity of the leaked tax documents.
A Trump Presidency Could End Press Freedom, Say Reporters Threatened for Reporting on His Taxes
Donald Trump has threatened to sue The New York Times for publishing leaked pages from his tax returns.
Dahr Jamail | Scientists Sound Alarm on Climate but US Still Toys With Skepticism
Earth is already warmer than it has been in 120,000 years but in the US, climate skeptics are still taken seriously.
Trump’s Erasure of Slavery, Jim Crow
Donald Trump's remarkable comments about Black people never being worse off demonstrated a stunning ignorance.
Trump and the Return of Seditious Libel
Freedom of the press in this country may be among what's at stake in this election.
William Rivers Pitt | Icarus J. Trump and the Long Fall
Fraud? It's called business, which makes him smart.
We Only Move Forward When We Demand the Impossible: An Interview With Bill Ayers
History shows that progress only happens when we refuse to limit ourselves to the art of the possible, says Bill Ayers.
How the Left Can Circumvent the Rise of the Alt-Right
The left can reclaim the political discourse with a multiracial movement that calls out the alt-right's fascism.