Donald Trump

Is Donald Trump Carrying Out the White Nationalism of an Alt-Right Presidency?
What lies ahead depends on how well opposition mobilizes against alt-right white nationalists and Trump's forces.

Trump Billionaires Have Poured Millions Into Climate Science Denial
Until now, the Mercer family's funding of climate science denial groups has gone relatively unnoticed.

Trump and Trade: The Perils for Agriculture
Donald Trump has taken aim at free trade agreements. What could renegotiation look like?

Escalation Watch: Four Looming Flashpoints Facing President Trump
Within months of taking office, President Donald Trump is likely to face one or more major international crises, possibly entailing a risk of nuclear escalation.

Now Is the Time for “Nobodies”: Dean Spade on Mutual Aid and Resistance in the Trump Era
The activist, scholar and movement lawyer takes stock of this harrowing political moment.

Women Doing Paid and Unpaid Work Are Called to Strike: A Conversation With Erin Mahoney
Women need to build a movement that elected officials of all parties feel accountable to.

Matt Taibbi Chronicles Election of “Billionaire Hedonist” Donald Trump
We look at the rise of Trump and those joining his administration.

Obama’s Controversial Policy of Immigrant Family Detention Could Expand Under Trump
Since 2014, thousands of Central American women and children seeking asylum have been held in private jails.

Trump Shows That Money in Politics Still Counts
The Donors Party is about to move into the administration.

MLK Day 2017: Mobilizing Against Racism, Capitalism and Militarism in a Neo-Fascist Era
The moment we are in demands that we pay close attention to history. Our lives depend on it.