Donald Trump

Trump’s Plan to Crush the EPA Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem
Regulations don't kill jobs, fossil fuel barons do — when mandatory pollution controls cut into their bottom lines.

Trump Signs Executive Orders on Trade, Abortion and More as He Settles Into Office
Trump is bulldozing ahead to put in place one of the most conservative administrations in recent US history.

Donald Trump Against the World: The Birth of a New Nationalist World Order
Will a Trump administration give birth to a new internationalism led by a global confederacy of oligarchs?

Home Depot Cleaners Strike on Inauguration Day to Highlight Fight for Living Wages
Underpaid Home Depot cleaners struck on Inauguration Day to show that workers can take back power when they unite.

“Women Will Die Because of This”: Planned Parenthood on Trump Signing Anti-Abortion Global Gag Rule
We speak speak to Planned Parenthood's Dawn Laguens.

State-Sanctioned Torture in the Age of Trump
Trump and his cabinet picks are on record defending torture as a legitimate form of interrogation.

What Trump Can and Can’t Do to Immigrants
Understanding our economic system helps us anticipate what a Trump administration can and can't do in regard to immigrants, and what immigrants themselves can do about it.

Donald Trump’s War With the Media Has Begun and We’ve Seen Nothing Yet
The First Amendment will be tested as never before.

The Future by Committee: The Collective “Wisdom” of the US Intelligence Community
Since September 11, expansion has been the name of its game, as the leading intelligence agencies gained ever more power, prestige and the big bucks.

The Trump Cabinet: Strangest Show on Earth
The ethical lapses from the top carry through to his cabinet appointments, which seem destined to replace Ringling Bros. Circus as the strangest show on Earth.