Donald Trump

What Activists Need to Understand About Fascism
Shane Burley's “Fascism Today” is an accessible primer about the roots and future of fascism in the US.

Activists Decry Trump’s EPA Pick, Coal Lobbyist Andrew Wheeler
Former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler has been the acting head of the EPA since Scott Pruitt resigned in July.

Outsourced and Forgotten: No Relief for Federal Contract Workers
Federally contracted workers don't even have the assurance of receiving back pay for the shutdown period.

William Barr Is a Trojan Horse
William Barr knows how to nail a confirmation hearing. That doesn’t make him Yoda.

Mitch McConnell Begins to Feel the Heat for Government Shutdown at Home
Protests targeting McConnell are raising questions about how long the Republican leader can continue to support Trump.

Rebuke of Trump’s Census Plan Gives Immigration Activists Hope
Trump's insidious attempt to use the census to isolate immigrants has faced a setback in federal court.

A Horrible Crisis at Our Southern Border!
There's all types of law-breaking going on down there, thanks to Trump and his supporters.

William Barr Is a Danger to Civil Rights
Barr is willing to jail journalists if he believes "they're putting out stuff that would hurt the country.”

Trump Wants to Punish California Wildfire Victims by Withholding Funds
Trump is willing to treat even his supporters as collateral damage in his war with the Golden State.

Born Disposable: Trump’s War on Youth
The Trump administration views children not as the promise of a future, but as a threat to the present.