Climate Crisis

The Politics of Going Green
Summer is in full swing, and there's news now that the world just had its hottest June on record.

Utility Trade Group Funds ALEC Attack on Americans Using Solar
Although ALEC recently proclaimed it was being falsely portrayed as “anti-clean energy,” the latest revelations confirm that ALEC continues to pursue a polluters' wish list, despite its PR pronouncements.

Doomsday Trigger for Megadrought?
One of the worst North American droughts in history could be getting a whole lot worse.

Does NASA’s Data Show Doomsday for New York City?
If we don't do something quick to stop global warming, some of the biggest cities in America could go the way of Atlantis in just a matter of decades.

The Original Geo-Engineers: Or How to Save the Iconic West From the Cow
The new “nesters” understand that you cannot steer and control an ecosystem but you might be able to dance with one.

Is the Future of the Planet in ALEC’s Secret Hands?
Tomorrow, ALEC - the American Legislative Exchange Council - kicks off its annual meeting in Dallas, Texas.

Wishful Thinking About Natural Gas: Why Fossil Fuels Can’t Solve the Problems Created by Fossil Fuels
The increased availability and decreased price of natural gas are likely to lead to an increase in US greenhouse gas emissions.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Last Month Was the Hottest June on Record, and More
Last month was the hottest June on record, and more.

Call for Action on Climate Change AND Disarmament/Nuclear Abolition
Humanity is at a crossroads, faced with dual threats of climate change and nuclear weapons.

US Accused of Forcing EU to Accept Tar Sands Oil
The trans-national transport of Canadian tar sands oils has become a major political flashpoint here, and remains uncertain.