Climate Crisis

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Strong Hurricanes Developing Earlier Than Usual, and More
For the first time since record-keeping began, two Category 4 hurricanes have developed in the Eastern Pacific Basin before July 1, and more.

Obama Lambastes Climate Change Deniers as “Radical Fringe” in California Speech
Stymied by Congress, Obama has been using executive actions where he can to curb emissions that contribute to climate change.

Dahr Jamail | Atmospheric CO2 Crosses “Ominous Threshold“
Despite the widespread governmental denial of anthropogenic climate disruption, many signs indicate we are already past the point of no return, headed toward a “dead planet.”

CommonBound: A Revolution Needing a Spirit
The New Economy Coalition's CommonBound conference was an invaluable summit for building a vision of a post-capitalist system. It just needs a unifying revolutionary spirit.

Report: A Carbon Tax That Would Create Jobs, Cut Emissions and Put Money in Your Pocket
Giving taxpayers $250 per month, reducing carbon emissions and boosting the economy. This is what the future could hold if the United States imposed a revenue-neutral carbon tax on …

The Red Line
We have sociologically, economically and environmentally crossed a red line: Will we fight each other like rabid dogs for the last scraps of remaining decency or quickly find …

An Ambitious Plan for Climate Change
Paul Krugman: “I just hope the president sticks to his guns - and the good news is that I'm starting to believe that he will.”

Human Activity Driving Earth Towards Global Extinction Event
Dr. Terry Root and Dr. Stuart L. Pimm discuss recent research showing human beings are responsible for high extinction rates of species across the globe, and explain how we …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: President Announces Plans to Cut Emissions by 30 Percent by 2030, and More
Last week, the President announced plans to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent by 2030, and more.

Breaking Climate Silence: One Step at a Time
The Great March for Climate Action is trekking from LA to DC. In one Northern New Mexico town, the marchers catalyzed change in both small and significant ways.