On the News With Thom Hartmann: Swiss Voters Approve Measure to Check CEO Pay, and More
Obama pardons 17 common criminals but White House won't comment on why he won't pardon a political prisoner, and more.
Billionaires for Austerity: With Cuts Looming, Wall Street Roots of “Fix the Debt” Campaign Exposed
A new investigation reveals how billionaire investors, such as Peter Peterson, have helped reshape the national debate on the economy, the debt and social spending.
Our Food Is Being Hijacked by Monopolizing Corporations
Wenonah Hauter argues for the restructuring of the food system, from the farm to the dinner plate.
GM Seeds and the Militarization of Food – and Everything Else
Indian physicist and philosopher, activist and ecofeminist pioneer Vandana Shiva talks with Truthout in Hawaii about GMO, the militarization of agriculture, the politics of occupation and the primacy of …
Richard Wolff on Fighting for Economic Justice and Fair Wages
Richard Wolff joins Bill to discuss the fight for economic justice, including a fair minimum wage.
Our Food System Is in Crisis Due to Technology Run Amok and Monopolizing Corporations
Monsanto may be perceived as the evil empire when it comes to food, but it is just the tip of the iceberg,
Shooters Transformed by a New Era of Virtual Dehumanization?
A new era of virtual dehumanization has transformed the nature of violence.
The Secret Rise of 21st Century Democracy
We could learn from other countries and vastly improve our own democracy and economy.
Obama Forgot to Share Inspiration of Ohio’s Worker-Owned Business Revolution
In his SOTU, Obama forgot to mention that Ohio is also the inspirational home for fast-growing idea that workers should become not just employees but owners of the companies …
EU Steers Adult Ed Toward Training, Away From Learning
The EU Agenda for Adult Learning, conceived within the context of its master concept of Lifelong Learning, is all about employability and not much about