
At World Social Forum: Unity and Dissent Within Global Movements
At the World Social Forum last week in Tunisia, capitalism, imperialism, neoliberal economics and shock doctrine policies were the main targets.

Austerity Can Kill You – Literally
A major new study published in The Lancet makes clear that austerity policies adopted in the European south have produced health care crises.

Economic Update: Economics and Capitalism
Updates on Cyprus's extreme austerity, equal justice and markets, falling job quality, and capitalism's impact on China.

The Global Unemployment Crisis
After the near collapse of the financial system and the great recession, unemployment has significantly increased worldwide.

“Capitalism Never Solves Its Crisis Problems; It Moves Them Around Geographically”
This is one of the best animations about modern capitalism I've seen, says Gaius Publius.

DHS Emails Question Federal Law Enforcement’s Role in Violence at Occupy Wall Street and Oakland Rallies
More than a year after tens of thousands with Occupy Wall Street protested economic and social inequality and corporate influence on government, the public still does not know if …

It Was Bankers That Brought Cyprus to the Brink
Paul Krugman: Is the era of free capital movement just a bubble, fated to end soon?

A DC Insider Explains How the Wall Street Lobby Owns DC: Crony Capitalism Prevails at Every Turn
Jeff Connaughton reveals detailed accounts of how the Wall Street chess board works.

The Future of Chocolate: Will it Turn GMO?
To peer into the future of chocolate is, in a sense, to juxtapose the familiar food item most people have a visceral emotional investment in and its exposed underside …

Richard Lichtman: The Violent Disorder of Our Public Mind
Capitalism is a system of power in blatant opposition to democracy.