Politics & Elections

Congressional Handcuffs Should Not Block SEC From Dark Money Work
As we reach the sixth anniversary of Citizens United two things are clear: 1.) there's a dark money problem and 2.) the SEC isn't helping to fix it yet.

Clinton vs. Sanders: Who Do Progressives Choose?
As the Democratic race intensifies, we host our own debate between two self-described socialist feminists

The Scandal of the DNC Data Breach
The DNC is a powerful political machine that plays an important role in the selection of a Democratic candidate for each presidential election.

Sparks Fly Between Bernie and Hillary Over Health Care and Wall Street in Democratic Debate
The two candidates locked horns as polls continue to narrow in the primary states.

Martin Luther King, Jr. and War
King's words from 1967 have a haunting and piercing relevance for the United States in 2016.

Tell the Truth About Bernie’s Health Care Stand
The Clinton campaign just made a serious mistake.

Henry A. Giroux: Neoliberalism Injects Violence Into Our Lives, and Fear Into Our Politics
Cultural critic Henry Giroux examines the ways in which conflict has entered the fabric of American life.

South Carolina Debate Shows Trump’s Outsize Role Weeks Before Opening Contest
Republicans held their first debate in the key state of South Carolina last night.

Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on the Refugee Crisis?
Two out of three Democratic presidential candidates support extending temporary protective status to Central American refugees.

GOP Tickles the Dragon’s Tail
After years of flirting with the right wing in the US and egging on a growing rage, the GOP establishment is “shocked” by Trump's success.