Video Posts

Rep. John Lewis, Civil Rights Icon, on the Struggle to Win – and Now Protect – Voting Rights in US
Having risked his life marching for the right of all Americans to vote, Lewis reflects on the ongoing struggle for voting rights today, when 16 states have passed restrictive …

How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted
Bill talks with Mike Lofgren, a long-time Republican who describes the modern dysfunction of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

Striking South African Miners Charged with Murder After Police Kill 34
Major challenge to ANC government after reports that many miners were shot in the back, and now murder charges against other miners, no police charged.

Help Workers Connect the Dots to This Larger System of Oppression
You could choke on the irony in Charlotte this Labor Day. The United States' faux labor holiday falls on day one of the Democratic National Convention.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Romney Overshadowed by an Empty Chair During End of RNC, and More
In today's On the News segment: The RNC wrapped up this week, but Mitt Romney was overshadowed by Clint Eastwood talking to an empty chair for ten minutes; austerity …

Meet the Industry That Makes the Koch Brothers Look Poor
When will the United States start thinking beyond bars?

Investors Seek to Profit From Privatizing Public Schools
Activists at Peopleu2019s Education Convention demand an end to excessive testing.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: President Barack Obama Endorses Movement to Amend the Constitution and Overturn Citizens United, and More
Movement to amend the Constitution and overturn the Supreme Courtu2019s disastrous Citizens United decision just got its biggest endorsement yet u2013 from President Barack Obama.

Matt Taibbi: The Secret to Mitt Romney’s Fortune? Greed, Debt and Forcing Others to Foot the Bill
A new article by reporter Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone sheds new light on the origin of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneyu2019s fortune, revealing how Romneyu2019s former firm, Bain …

Lawrence Wilkerson on the GOP Convention
o if you want to say the American people are in a state of confusion over which way to go, the extreme right or the extreme left or somewhere …