Video Posts

Thousands Rally in Chicago Teachers’ Strike, Pushing Back Against Corporatized Education Reform
Almost 30,000 teachers and their support staff have walked out over reforms sought by the cityu2019s powerful mayor, Rahm Emanuel, who is President Obamau2019s former chief of staff.

Fracking Boomtown
Truthout reporter Mike Ludwig and videographer Andy Spear visited Carrollton, Ohio, to find out how the gas and oil rush can turn a small town upside down.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Report Shows Casino Tycoon Sheldon Adelson Stands to Save $2 Billion Under Romney’s Tax Plan, and More
In today's On the News segment: Shell Oil has been drilling in the Arctic since Sunday despite documents revealing problems with its blowout response systems, casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson …

Chris Hedges: Dems Owe Chicago Public Teachers Support for “Most Important Labor Action in Decades”
"If it does not prevail, you can be certain that the template for the attack on the union will be carried out across the country against other teachers’ unions …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Upcoming German Court Ruling May Hold Fate of Euro Crisis, and More
In today's On the News segment: Kentucky Congressman Rand Paul refuses to believe the facts on shrinking public employment in a debate with economist Paul Krugman, Romney flip-flopped on …

Chicago Teachers Launch Strike for Better Pay, Benefits and Work Conditions
The 30,000-strong Chicago Teachers Union strikes for the first time in a quarter century.

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Weighs in on the Organic Food Debate
Stein addresses a recent Stanford study which found that organic foods aren't any more nutritious than conventional foods.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: At This Year’s DNC, President Obama Offered Choice, Not Change
In today's On the News Segment: President Obama took the stage at the DNC on Thursday night and instead of talking about change - he talked about choice.

Quebec Election Gives Students a Victory on Tuition Hikes, Fight for Free Education Continues
Ju00e9ru00e9mie Bu00e9dard-Wien: Quebec student activists work to create a global movement for the right to a free education.

Sen. Bernie Sanders: Where Is Obama on Social Security?
Sen. Bernie Sanders questioned why President Barack Obama has not defended Social Security against Republican calls for deep cuts in the program that benefits some 55 million retired and …