Video Posts

In UN Address, WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Urges Obama Admin to End “Regime of Secrecy”
Speaking via videolink from the Ecuadorean embassy in London, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addressed a side meeting of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday evening.

Fighting for Women’s Rights in Egypt: An Interview with Gihan Abouzeid
David Zlutnick interviewed Egyptian human and women's rights activist Gihan Abouzeid on the challenges for social movements following the 2011 revolution, and concerns over womenu2019s rights and efforts to …

Spanish Police Crack Down on Protesters Surrounding the Parliament
Anti-austerity rage intensified in Madrid, as protesters surrounded the parliament Tuesday night in a sign of mounting frustration towards the right-wing government.

New Study Suggests Tumors & Organ Damage from GMO Foods
Are we seeing the end of Monsanto?

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Obama’s Lead Over Romney Is Growing in Key Battleground States, and More
In today's On the News segment: President Obama's lead over Mitt Romney is growing significantly in key battleground states; all hell is breaking loose in Europe, where Spanish and Greek …

Thousands Surround Spanish Parliament in Bid to “Occupy Congress” and Stop Austerity
Thousands of people surrounded the Spanish Parliament in Madrid on Tuesday to protest austerity measures and the loss of public confidence in elected leaders.

Bill Moyers: More Money, Less Democracy
Bill examines how the enormous amounts of money spent on political consultants and TV ads corrupt our elections and distort our democracy.

Rachel Maddow: Scott Brown’s Racial Politics Crosses Line
Rachel Maddow shows video of staffers and supporters of Senator Scott Brown mocking Native Americans with hoots and gestures as a means of taunting Brown's opponent, Elizabeth Warren.

Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Market 20 Times Global GDP
Markus Stanley: Derivative bets not a zero sum game, have far reaching real world consequences.

“Harvest of Empire”: New Film Recounts How US Intervention Caused Mass Latin American Migrations
At a time of heated and divisive debate over immigration, the new feature-length documentary, “Harvest of Empire,” examines the direct connection between the long history of U.S. intervention in …