Video Posts
On the News With Thom Hartmann: House Republicans Won’t Give Up Their Efforts to Voucher-ize Medicare, and More
In today's On the News segment: House Republicans won't give up on their efforts to voucher-ize Medicare; the gender pay gap is getting worse; college tuition costs continue to …
Holder’s Letter Does Not Rule Out Targeting US Citizens Outside of Country (Non-Citizens Can Be Killed Anywhere)
Michael Ratner: Rand Paul's filibuster forces Attorney General to acknowledge US president can not order the killing of US citizens on American soil but does not rule out the …
Operation Condor Trial Tackles Coordinated Campaign by Latin American Dictatorships to Kill Leftists
A historic trial underway in Argentina is set to reveal new details about how Latin American countries coordinated with each other in the 1970s and '80s to eliminate political …
State of the Working Woman
Jenny Ahn: Unionized women workers do better than unorganized; all working women need access to universal daycare.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Attorney General Eric Holder Made His Second Startling Confession, and More
Holder admitted that some banks are simply too big to prosecute; and more.
Importing the War on Terror: Glenn Greenwald & Activist Trevor Timm on Domestic Drone Surveillance
Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald and Trevor Timm of the Electronic Frontier Foundation join us to discuss domestic surveillance drones and the secrecy surrounding military drones around the world.
A Sea of Tears in Caracas
In a raw emotional outpouring, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans walk along side the coffin of President Hugo Chavez.
Susan Jacoby on Secularism and Free Thinking
Susan Jacoby talks with Bill about the role secularism and intellectual curiosity have played throughout Americau2019s history.
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Fix the Debt
"In an unprecedented move, Obama — who rarely even makes calls to the Hill — is taking a group of Republican Senators out to dinner tonight. On the menu? …
MA Prosecutor Lets Rumsfeld Walk, Charges Protester Instead
Shaun Joseph, a man arrested for disorderly conduct during a protest demanding the arrest of Donald Rumsfeld, begins his trail.