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Abortion Providers Are Heroes: In Defense of Abortion On Demand and Without Apology

Today, we speak with Sunsara Taylor of, who just returned from Jackson defending the Women’s Health organization from the anti-choice group Operation Save America, described by as a

The war on female reproductive rights in the United States came into sharp focus this past week in Texas, where a decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit allowed the state to block women from getting services from one-third of abortion providers. In response, reproductive health care providers took the to the U.S. Supreme Court, where Associate Justice Antonin Scalia denied an emergency request to stay the appeals court’s ruling, asking the state to file a response by November 12. And in Jackson Mississippi last week, the last abortion clinic in that state, The Women’s Health organization, was under siege from a group called Operation Save America.

Today, we speak with Sunsara Taylor of, who just returned from Jackson defending the Women’s Health organization from the anti-choice group Operation Save America, described by as a “extreme, violence inciting, women-hating Christian fascist organization.”

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