Dreaming of Duvets
Haroon has recurring dreams.
Obama as Commander-in-Chief, Romney as Banal Bully
Robert Reich: Mitt Romney is not only a cold warrior; heu2019s also a class warrior. And the two are closely related.
A Festival of Gibberish
Americans who tuned in to watch are now exactly 0% more informed on a variety of life-and-death issues for having done so, and that counts as a loss for …
5 Facts to Commit to Memory Before Watching Tonight’s Debate
Number five: The “six studies” that Romney cites in defense of his tax plan are actually 3 blog posts, 2 right-wing reports and 1 op-ed.
Sunrise and Sunset in Afghanistan
Young people in Afghanistan are not oblivious to the shortcomings of their government, or their educational and political systems. On the contrary, they are all-too aware of the corruption …
Overwrought Empire: The Discrediting of US Military Power
Even as military power has proven itself a bust again and again, our policymakers have come to rely ever more completely on a military-first response to global problems.
Why Are We Occupying?
Why are we occupying? Or to put it another way – what’s wrong with the world?
We Won the War on Poverty, Then Lost the Peace
We have the money to end poverty in America. We only lack the will.
IAEA Report Shows Iran Reduced Its Breakout Capacity
Contrary to the impression conveyed by most news media coverage, the report provides new evidence that Iranu2019s enrichment strategy is aimed at enhancing its bargaining position in negotiations with …
Your Must-Do Assignment for This Year, Read This Chart and Pass It On
War or no war, this budget just keeps growing in real terms, despite the rise and fall of threats, despite what the rest of the world was spending on …