
Dumb and Dumber: Why Does Washington Have No Learning Curve?
We have a second administration in a row that is incapable of learning, or reasonably assessing its situation in the world.

Drones: The Ultimate Stalkers
Let us all work for solid legislative restrictions on police use of these drones so that they help legitimate police work while respecting the Fourth Amendment privacy rights of …

The American Lockdown State
The US has become a nation not of laws but of legal memos, not of legality but of legalisms.

Colin Powell: Conned or Con Man?
Ray McGovern: There is circumstantial evidence that Colin Powell was a willing co-conspirator in the push to invade Iraq.

Detroit MLK Day for Justice: Of Dreams and Nightmares
n Detroit, on MLK Day, hundreds gathered to rally and protest against the persistent nightmares of inequality in urban cities nationwide.

Will China-Japan-US Tensions in the Pacific Ignite a Conflict and Sink the Global Economy?
Conditions are deteriorating in the western Pacific.

Turtles and Tomahawk Missiles, Together at Last? War is Not the Answer to Climate Change
Accepting and perpetuating the narrative of climate security through a national security framework, opens new and dangerous doors for the national security state.

Chuck Hagel Faces Tough Confirmation from Senate Hawks for Rejecting Party Line on Israel, Iran
A Vietnam War veteran and three-term member of the Senate, Hagel has faced criticism from right-wing foes over his positions on Israel and dealing with Iran

Will Americans Be Able to Watch Al Jazeera America?
A double-standard for objecting to bias in cable news media is coming to the fore since Jazeera bought Current.

The Hens Have Come Home to Roost
Countless generations of combat veterans have warned us that if you cannot spread and maintain peace at all costs then you will soon discover your capability to become used …