
Biden’s Border “Wall” Could Involve Robotic Dogs, Autonomous Surveillance
The threat of border wall expansion continues under the Biden administration amid a rash of public-private partnerships.

Investigation Shows Police Are Still Secretly Surveilling Minnesota Activists
Though officials announced the end of the surveillance program last April, it appears to be ongoing.

Calls to Reform the CIA Are Misplaced. It Shouldn’t Exist at All.
New revelations about bulk surveillance of Americans are part of a pattern of abuse that dates to the CIA’s founding.

Homeland Security’s Attempts to “Combat Misinformation” Are Suspect
The U.S. should fight misinformation by building trust in public institutions — not by expanding the security state.

Abolition Means Reclaiming the Commons and Rejecting Securitization
“Capitalism is a generalized order of insecurity that requires a politics of security,” says Brendan McQuade.

Prison Profiteer Is Using Sandra Bland’s Death to Sell Surveillance Technology
Guardian RFID has found a way not only to further surveil people behind bars, but also to profit from it.

Even After Release, Guantánamo Survivors Live Under Surveillance and in Anguish
The least the Biden administration can do is ensure that former detainees are actually given a chance to know freedom.

Apple Employee Blows Whistle on Illegal Spying and Toxic Working Conditions
Complaints alleging illegal surveillance, whistleblower retaliation and workplace safety have been found to have merit.

A Secretive Border Patrol Unit Worked With the FBI to Investigate Journalists
It's unclear if the surveillance program, run “with no rules and no procedures,” was ever discontinued.

Spyware Created by Israeli Firm Used to Hack US Officials’ iPhones
Apple told at least 11 State Department officials that their iPhones were hacked by unknown parties with the spyware.