Supreme Court

As Supreme Court Hears Challenge to ALEC Voting Bill, Two More States Introduce It
On March 18, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA), which will decide whether Arizona's refusal to register voters that do …

The Stage Set for Historic Ruling as the Supreme Court Considers Same-Sex Marriage
The California case could have the most sweeping impact.

US Supreme Court Considers ALEC Voting Bill
The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments on March 18 to decide whether an Arizona statute that imposes restrictions on voter registration conflicts with federal law.

Sonia Sotomayor: From a Bronx Housing Project to the Supreme Court
Justice Sotomayor has emerged as a verbal match for the sardonic remarks of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Supreme Court Could Bring Back Jim Crow Voting Laws
Greg Palast: Congress should extend Voting Rights Act to all states before Supreme Court overturns it.

Voting Rights Law Draws Skepticism From Justices
A central provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 may be in peril.

Defend Martin Luther King’s Dream Act: Protect the Voting Rights Act and Expand It Across America
Dr. King's Dream Act is under attack. On Wednesday February 27, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a challenge to the law's requirement that states with a history of …

Citizens United 2.0? Supreme Court Could Further Open Door to Money in Politics
If the court sides with the challengers in McCutcheon v FEC, political power and influence in America would be further concentrated in the hands of just a few wealthy …

Bowman Versus Monsanto: Indiana Farmer’s Supreme Court Challenge to Corporate Control of Food Supply
A David-versus-Goliath case heard by the Supreme Court this week pits a 75-year-old farmer from Indiana against Monsanto, the worldu2019s largest seed company.

Monsanto Likely to Score Supreme Court Win
Because of the Technology Agreement and the patent on Monsantou2019s genes, a farmer who saves and replants these seeds can be sued.