Supreme Court

How I Called the Cops and Almost Got Shot: the Politics of Being a “Threat”
Judicial and legislative victories against stop-and-frisk practices do not address how individual fears harden into iron bars of segregation.

The So-Called Strict Constructionist Justices – Lessons from Hoffman Plastics
The Supreme Court majority has made it more attractive for employers to violate immigration laws by hiring workers suspected of not being in this country legally.

The Last Chance to Stop the NDAA
Chris Hedges continues his fight to strike down a section of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that permits the military to seize U.S. citizens, strip them of due …

Employers on the Public’s Dime: The Judicial Amendment that Put Money in the Company’s Pocket
One NLRA amendment cuts back pay by requiring that remedies not be punitive to the law violator.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Democrats in Congress Are Standing Up to the Supreme Court, and More
In today's On the News segment: The Tea Party is turning on Republicans; rising ocean temperatures rise around the globe, are forcing marine life to migrate to cooler waters; …

Turning the NLRA into “Groundhog Day,” the Movie
What unions need is a ruling that doesn't allow employers to delay bargaining with no desire to reach an agreement.

SCOTUS v. the Right to Vote: Three Strikes, but We’re Not Out
This ruling is the third time in the past five years that the Supreme Court has struck a blow against fair elections.

Travesty in “Post-Racial” America: the Zimmerman Verdict
Black America and people of good will of all races watched in utter dismay as the jury in the George Zimmerman Trial issued its verdict of not guilty in …

Five Important SCOTUS Rulings You Didn’t Hear About
While the Civil Rights Act and DOMA decisions were pivotal, here are five SCOTUS decisions that also impact your life.

The Modern Movement for Civil Rights
Congress must act to correct the Supreme Court's many wrongs.