Supreme Court
“Five Hundred People Will Control American Democracy” If Supreme Court Overturns Campaign Finance Law
On Tuesday, justices heard arguments in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, which has been referred to as “the next Citizens United.”
Money, Politics and the Roberts Court: Seventh Game of The Court’s Plutocrat Series
The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in what has become its annual dismantling of campaign finance law.
Did Scalia Really Say That? “Citizens United” Lurks Behind Supreme Court’s Latest Money-in-Politics Case
It appears unlikely that the aggregate limits will survive in their current form.
Mitch McConnell Wants America to Be an Oligarchy
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, the single most important campaign finance case since Citizens United.
Supreme Court Hears GOP Challenge to Political Donation Limits
On Tuesday, the high court will hear oral arguments in a case that campaign finance reformers are calling
Supreme Court to Inspect Neutrality Agreements
If the Supreme Court outlaws neutrality agreements, it will give Hyatt and many other employers a reason to renege on unions' hard-won pacts.
Civil Rights Groups Challenge Texas’s Voter ID Law in Federal Court
The NAACP and two other groups are filing suit to halt the state's voter ID law after a Supreme Court ruling in June.
Chris Hedges | The Origins of Our Police State
Our failure to protect lower income citizens and people of color will recreate their fate for the larger masses underneath the growing police state.
Overruling the Judicial Amendments – What Is to Be Done?
Right wing judicial lawlessness harms the National Labor Relations Act.
How I Called the Cops and Almost Got Shot: the Politics of Being a “Threat”
Judicial and legislative victories against stop-and-frisk practices do not address how individual fears harden into iron bars of segregation.