Russian Aggression Deserves a Response, But US Lacks Credibility to Lead It
The United States cannot legitimately lead an international response to the illegal Russian aggression in Ukraine until it abides by international law itself.
John Pilger | The Forgotten Coup – and How the Same Godfather Rules From Canberra to Kiev
Since 1945, dozens of governments, many of them democracies, have met a fate similar to that of the elected government of the Ukraine, usually with bloodshed, says John …
Paul Craig Roberts on Crimea, US Foreign Policy and the Transformation of Mainstream Media
Paul Craig Roberts, former assistant secretary of the treasury under Ronald Reagan, argues that there's no evidence the American people support Washington's meddling in Ukraine.
Ukraine + NATO = Nuclear War
Ukrainian government will be reckless enough to attempt to go into Crimea in force.
Chris Hedges | Welcome to Satan’s Ball
Our elites have established the most efficient system of mass surveillance in history. They have abolished most of our civil liberties.
A Struggle Amongst Oligarchs in Ukraine
Professor Aleksandr Buzgalin explains historical relations between the Crimea region of Ukraine and Russia, ahead of a referendum vote which could bring Crimea under greater Russian control.
Roundtable: As Crimea Threatens Secession, Does East-West Split Hasten Ukraine’s Political Divide?
Russian President Vladimir Putin is rebuffing warnings from the US and European Union as the crisis in Ukraine threatens one of the worst east-west standoffs since the Cold War.
How Obama Became a Publicist for His Presidency (Rather Than the President)
For some time now, observers have been saying that Barack Obama seems more like a king than a president.
The New York Times Budget Reporting Looks Like RT on Ukraine
News organizations are supposed to inform readers about the world, not make stuff up.
Possible New Cold War? High-Fives in the Halls of the Pentagon
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has given the Department of Defense a possible reprieve from American citizens' war-weary thoughts.