The State of Justice for Juveniles in the US
Litigation is leading to juvenile justice reform, but harsh sentencing and racial disparities still plague the system.
Story of Incarcerated Teen Shows Injustice of Juvenile Imprisonment
Jean Trounstine's gripping account of a teenage boy's crime, punishment and life after prison is tragic and illuminating.
Erika Rocha’s Suicide Underscores the Damage That Prison Is Wreaking on Youth
Erika Rocha, who was first incarcerated at 14, took actions to end her life, but the criminal punishment system killed her.
In California Death Row’s “Adjustment Center,” Condemned Men Wait in Solitary Confinement
Lopez v Brown offers a rare glimpse into the daily lives of the people who live in the Adjustment Center.
On Sex Work and Survival: Why We Must Stand With Alisha Walker
For defending herself, and saving the life of another woman who was on the scene, Alisha is facing 15 years behind bars.
The Unbearable Whiteness of Brunch: Fighting Gentrification in Chicago
Organizers recently took direct action in their escalating struggle against gentrification and for their communities.
Economic Update: The IMF and the Panama Papers
This episode provides updates on the Panama Papers, and more.
Wrestling With Angels: Walidah Imarisha on Harm and Accountability
Author Walidah Imarisha discusses her new book and her commitment to grappling with the need for prison abolition.
Maya Schenwar | When Prison Reform Means Prison Expansion
Although “prison reform” is gaining steam in progressive and conservative circles alike, it doesn't always look like progress.
How Private Prison Companies Use Big Tax Breaks and Low Wages to Maximize Profit
The nation's largest private prison firms are still cutting corners despite millions of dollars in federal income tax breaks.