
Mass Incarceration Traps More Than 180K Veterans in Military-to-Prison Pipeline
They can also be denied services and benefits -- or opportunities for citizenship -- promised by military recruiters.

What Does Dystopian Film “Civil War” Say About the Current Reality in the US?
Beyond serving as harrowing entertainment, the film explores real fears about social divides in the contemporary US.

“Dune: Part Two” Should Be a Warning Against Extremism — Not a Violent Spectacle
The epic sci-fi film tries to deliver an antiwar warning, but its beautification of violence undermines its message.

New Book Exposes the Horror of the US’s Endless, Invisible Wars
Norman Solomon offers a powerful framework for understanding geopolitical crises and the enduring costs of militarism.

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: Art Exhibit Calls Viewers to Confront Fascism
As wildfire smoke wafts over North America, artist Isaac Cordal’s critique of neoliberal capitalism is urgent and apt.

New Documentary on Trump Operative Roger Stone Is a Damning Political Thriller
Christoffer Guldbrandsen’s “A Storm Foretold” ends with the Trump adviser expecting arrest for his role in January 6.

“Creed III” Reflects Immense Class Divide in Black America But Fails to Heal It
The cathartic goal of this genre is to purge the shame of the Black middle and upper class for abandoning the poor.

Biden’s Chip War With China Is an Imperial Struggle for High-Tech Supremacy
As these two states fight for dominion over global capitalism, it's time to unite for collective liberation.

Unexpected Tenderness in “The Last of Us” Offers Grist for Radical Politics
Post-apocalyptic TV dramas don’t have to be cynical or atomizing — they can inspire a politics of care and mutual aid.

“Thirst” Updates the Vampire Genre for Our Age of Rising Fascism
The novel offers an alternate-reality allegory about the rise of Trump and the right-wing movement that supports him.