Medical Debt
Tlaib Introduces Bill to Bar Medical Debt From Showing Up on Credit Reports
People shouldn’t be denied access to basic needs because they have medical debt, Tlaib said.
Health Care Advocates Celebrate Passage of Medical Debt Relief in New York
Meanwhile, a battle is brewing in the state to expand health care access to 250,000 undocumented people.
Nearly 6 in 10 People With Health Insurance Have Had Coverage Issue in Past Year
The American health insurance system leaves both uninsured and insured people to languish, polling suggests.
Report: Credit Scores Are Lower in the South, and Medical Debt Could Be to Blame
A new analysis finds a link between areas with low average credit scores and high amounts of medical debt.
Fight Grows to Stop Medical Debt From Destroying Patients’ Lives
Hospitals are suing patients, garnishing wages and putting liens on homes of those with unaffordable medical bills.
Sanders, Warren, and Others Raise Alarm Over Rise of Medical Credit Cards
More than 100 million people are saddled with medical debt in the U.S., collectively owing upwards of $200 billion.
Hundreds of US Hospitals Sue Patients or Threaten Their Credit
A new report suggests most US hospitals have policies to use legal action or other aggressive tactics against patients.
How Banks and Private Equity Cash In When Patients Can’t Pay Their Medical Bills
Hospitals strike deals with financing companies, generating profits for lenders and more debt for patients.
Medicare for All Could Have Prevented 338,000 COVID Deaths in the US
A study also shows that universal health coverage could have saved $459 billion in medical costs during 2020 alone.
More Than 100 Million People in US Have Health Care Debt, Study Shows
A new investigation concludes that our health care system is systematically pushing patients into debt on a mass scale.