Hillary Clinton’s Legacy as Secretary of State
Clinton's legacy has been one of continuing the policies of her predecessors in the Bush administration of opposing international law and human rights.
Supervisor of Intelligence Estimate Hailed for Preventing War With Iran
Professor Thomas Fingar wins the Sam Adams award for integrity in intelligence, while others warn of an unprecedented crackdown on intelligence agency whistleblowers.
The Hagel Hearings: The Last Best Chance for the Truth About a Lost War and America’s War-Making Future
It's a shame we will be treated to the usual political theater.
How a Government Report Spread a Questionable Claim About Iran
New reports about Iran's growing political power might not be coming from the credible sources that you think.
Waking Up in Tehran
If we cannot learn from our own history or this kind of common sense, let us learn from Mossadegh. War is not a solution.
Nixon Went to China, Who Will Go to Iran?
Somehow it is good and proper for us to be killing Iranian children — although perhaps not to be talking about it.
Chuck Hagel Faces Tough Confirmation from Senate Hawks for Rejecting Party Line on Israel, Iran
A Vietnam War veteran and three-term member of the Senate, Hagel has faced criticism from right-wing foes over his positions on Israel and dealing with Iran
It’s Official: Iran’s Presence in the Western Hemisphere a Threat to US, According to Congress and Obama
Three days after Christmas the Obama administration finally signed the bill that declares Iran and domestic
Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace
The ‘Iranian threat’ is overwhelmingly a Western obsession, shared by Arab dictators, though not Arab populations.
Timothy Leary: Violence Is Killing With Machines at a Distance
Although many will dispute his exclusion of other forms of aggression as violence, few will argue that Timothy Leary's assertion is more valid than ever now: Violence is killing …