
Assessing the Iran Sanctions
With compromise on Iranu2019s nuclear program within reach, Obama pulled back, fearing political fallout, resulting in a painful stalemate for the foreseeable future.

Next Stop, a Ban on Nuclear Weapons?
A recent international conference could be a strong takeoff point leading to an eventual ban on nuclear weapons.

Flotilla 3.0: Redeeming Obama’s Palestine Speech with Gaza’s Ark
While President Obama's Jerusalem speech left many things to be desired, groups like Gaza's Ark are coming out of the woodwork to lead the initiative for justice that Obama …

National Intelligence Memorandum Outlines Steps Taken to Deter Classified Leaks to Media
A secrecy expert says stricter polygraph procedures will impoverish understanding of intelligence matters.

“October Surprise” and “Argo“
Iranu2019s ex-President Bani-Sadr, criticizing inaccurate history in u201cArgo,u201d says most Iranian officials wanted a quick end to the 1980 US-Iranian hostage crisis, but Ronald Reaganu2019s presidential campaign had other …

Americans for Peace Now: Don’t Co-sponsor AIPAC’s Bills for Iran War
As AIPAC pushes legislation that brings the US closer to war with Iran, Robert Naiman urges Americans to support peace.

“Talking Points” for Hagel on Iran
Despite a beating from Republicans, Ray McGovern suggests in these proposed u201ctalking pointsu201d that Chuck Hagel stuck to his principled reputation as someone who tells it like it is, …

What If a Drone Attacked in the US? A White Paper Justification
If this fictitious Iranian argument for the legality of targeted killing proves specious, then so is the DOJ's.

Why Do Senators Boxer and Wyden Want to Bomb Iran?
Lobbyists are swarming the US Senate seeking support for a bill that would make war with Iran more likely.

Kazakhstan, a Human Rights Disaster, Hosts Iran Talks
Allen Ruff: Kazakhstan's brutal repression of workers and opposition ignored as it tries to play broker in the stand off between the US and Iran.