
Iran’s New President a Regime Insider – Wide Mandate for More Civil Liberties
Hamid Dabashi: President-elect Hassan Rohani will not change Iran's Neo-liberal capitalism but may be inspired by popular support for more political rights and nuclear transparency

Reformist Said to Have Won Iranian Presidency in Heavy Voting
Hasan Rowhani, the candidate favored by Iranian reformists, won the Iranian presidential elections in a landslide, a source said.

Why the United States Must Come to Terms With Iran
Gareth Porter interviews veteran US officials about why US policy towards Iran needs to change.

China Benefits From Bush’s Folly
As America's hunger to dominate foreign policy puts the country at financial risk, other countries benefit from our arrogance.

Progressives Flock to Ed Markey’s Senate Campaign Despite Hawkish Record
Progressives can't expect Democrats to field candidates who support human rights when endorsing organizations unequivocally support candidates like Ed Markey whose foreign policy record is well to the right …

Naming Our Nameless War: How Many Years Will It Be?
For well over a decade now the United States has been u201ca nation at war.u201d But does the war still have a name?

Arab Spring Not Over Yet in Bahrain
While the world focuses on the fallout from the Arab Spring in major countries like Egypt and Syria, a seething frustration continues to mount among democracy aspirants on the …

Israel, Syria and the United States
Zunes' review of the last decade of Israel, Syria and US relations - culminating in Israel's latest bombing raid on Syria - details cross-purposes and missed opportunities.

Nuclear Terror in the Middle East: Lethality Beyond the Pale
A new study reveals that Iran's terrain makes it extra vulnerable to nuclear attack by Israel.

Side Effects – The Humanitarian Consequences of Iran Sanctions
Iran's civilians find themselves in the midst of one of the worst medical supply shortages in the nation's long history.