Petraeus Resignation Reveals Divisions Over Iran
Ray McGovern: It's likely one reason there was no attempt to save Petraeus by White House was his Hawkish Stance on Iran.
Broken Promises: Review of New Book “Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me”
Truthout's own Leslie Thatcher reviews Harvey Pekar's new graphic novel about the fantasies of the Jewish homeland, and the realities of being Jewish in America.
Obama Now Gets a Chance to Remake His Cabinet
Now re-elected, Obama must make some changes to his Cabinet, starting with replacing Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State.
As Sanctions Hit Iran’s Most Vulnerable, the Man Who Dared to Feed Sanction-Starved Iraq Remains in Prison
Dr. Rafil Dhafir, a Muslim, is serving a 22-year sentence set in motion during post-9/11 hysteria that targeted his humanitarian organization.
Netanyahu’s 2010 Order Was Not a Move to War on Iran
Contrary to rumors that Israeli Prime Minister Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered attacks on Iranian nuclear sites in 2010, it was revealed that Israel had no realistic military option …
The Horses and Bayonets Strategy
Pentagon Nixed 1998 US Nuclear Scientists’ Probe of Iranian Program
The veto eliminated the Khatami government's most promising initiative to promote a thaw in U.S.-Iran relations.
Making the World a More Dangerous Place: The Eager Role of Julia Gillard
Australia plunders “the poorest, sickest, most incarcerated people on earth” for their uranium-rich tribal lands.
A Failed Formula for Worldwide War: How the Empire Changed Its Face, But Not Its Nature
General Martin Dempsey and other joint chiefs of staff have been meeting at Quantico to once again determine military needs and maintain America's status as a sovereign power.
“Moderate Mitt”: Neocon Trojan Horse
Mitt Romney's sudden conversion to moderate foreign policy may have fooled some at Monday's debate, but his neoconservative roots were shown when he expressed his desire to rebuild the …