
Black Immigrants’ Lives Matter: Disrupting the Dialogue on Immigrant Detention
The developing discourse on immigrant detention undermines the political vision of prison abolition.

Respect for Transgender People’s Gender Identities in ICE Custody Is Not Enough
Housing transgender immigrants based on their gender identity does not erase the violence of detention itself.

Mass Graves of Immigrants Found in Texas: State Says No Laws Broken
Texas says there is “no evidence” of wrongdoing.

Time Travel

Henry A. Giroux | Trumping America
Donald Trump's xenophobic, right-wing ideology reflects the racism, anti-intellectualism and neoliberal fundamentalism embedded in US society.

Immigrant Youth to Presidential Candidates: Promises Will Not Win Our Support
Immigrant Youth to the Presidential Candidates: enough with promises, demand immigration changes today.

“Reforms” to Immigrant Family Jails Aren’t Enough, Say Advocates
Despite changes to U.S. policy of detaining immigrant families, detainees are still offered bonds they can't afford.

Despite Reforms, the Domestic Drug War Still Tears Immigrant Families Apart
Despite promises to focus enforcement on threats to public safety, deportations for minor drug crimes have spiked.

Working-Class Movement Fights for Local Authority
Davis Cohen sat down with Make the Road New York to talk about the rising tide of local law making.

Free Marissa Now and Stand With Nan-Hui: A Conversation About Parallel Struggles
Four women reflect on women of color surviving domestic violence, the US carceral system and immigration control.