Health Care
Love Your Country? Save Health Care!
Don't let senators go back to DC without hearing how important saving health care is to our country.
How the Koch-Backed Effort to Privatize the Veterans Health Administration Jeopardizes Everyone’s Health Care Future
The GOP plan to privatize veterans' health care could jeopardize the larger fight for universal health care.
GOP Health Care Bill Would Make the Rural US’s Distress Much Worse
The biggest culprit of rising mortality rates in the rural United States is limited access to health care and challenging economic circumstances.
William Rivers Pitt | Sad but True: The Republican Party Somehow Still Exists
If the GOP were an animal in the wild, it would have been devoured by chickadees long ago.
Disability Rights Activist Arrested for Protesting Trumpcare: We Won’t Be Silent While You Kill Us
Disability rights attorney Stephanie Woodward discusses the Republican Senate health bill and actions being taken to prevent its passage.
Are We Going to Let 13 Men Deny Reproductive Health Care to Millions of Women?
Crafted by 13 men in secret, the GOP's health care bill goes out of its way to deny essential coverage to women and mothers.
Senate Health Bill Would Kill Essential Home Care Jobs
The legislation would devastate a fast-growing workforce and the millions of elderly and disabled Americans who rely on home care services.
GOP-Care Defended
Single-Payer Fight Moves to Massachusetts
Massachusetts was first to legalize gay marriage; will it also be first to introduce single-payer health care?
This Is a Piece I Would Write About How to Fight Trumpcare, if I Were Well Enough
It seems this bill, and all its horrors, have faded into a background of horrors in the American psyche.