Republicans Introduce Bill to “Terminate the Environmental Protection Agency“
On Friday, Florida Republican Matt Gaetz introduced a bill with the aim of abolishing the EPA forever.
Trump Is Building a Wall Against Reality, and We’re All Going to Pay for It
The gag order on climate scientists is the equivalent of a book burning. It's a funeral pyre for science.
Scott Pruitt Will Make America Great Again — for Polluters
In this exclusive web essay, Bill Moyers takes on President Trump's choice to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.
William Rivers Pitt | Trump and the Gish Gallop: A Million Lies and One Truth
The reigning world heavyweight champion of the Gish Gallop debate technique also happens to be the president.
Monsanto, EPA Seek to Keep Talks Secret on Glyphosate Cancer Review
The EPA is a taxpayer-funded, public agency and its dealings with Monsanto should be subject to public scrutiny.
Trump’s Plan to Crush the EPA Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem
Regulations don't kill jobs, fossil fuel barons do — when mandatory pollution controls cut into their bottom lines.
Climate Denier Scott Pruitt Faces Protests at Senate Hearing as 2016 Is Declared Hottest Year Ever
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt testified in front of the Senate Wednesday.
Trump’s Suppression of Climate Science Echoes Restrictions Under Stalin
When ideology trumps peer-reviewed scientific research, as it did in the Stalinist Soviet Union, the world loses.
Are the EPA’s Emergency Radiation Limits a Cover for Fukushima Fumbles?
Why are the new radiation limits for a nuclear emergency set thousands of times higher than allowed by federal law?
“Unprecedented” Polar Melting Unfolds as Climate Disruption Denial Goes Wild
Early January saw colder temperatures in Seattle than at the North Pole but the climate science denial goes on.