New York Officials Caused More Deaths to Maintain the “Illusion of Education”
City leaders are still talking grades and achievement when they should be caring for students’ needs, says one teacher.
Pandemic Reveals Limits of Education System to Assist Students and Families
COVID-19 is forcing administrators to address the roles schools play in communities.
Schools Are Operating as Testbeds for Mass Surveillance
A school district in New York recently adopted facial recognition technology to monitor students.
Bernie Sanders Was Right About the Cuban Literacy Campaign
One of the key strengths of the Cuban campaign was to reframe illiteracy as a collective issue.
Bernie Sanders Releases Plan for Guaranteed “Child Care and Pre-K for All”
The plan would be paid for by inverting the massive tax giveaway lavished on the wealthy by President Donald Trump.
Rojava’s Revolution Begins in the Classroom
Rojava’s education system is built around curriculum promoting gender equality, ecology and social inclusivity.
Democratic 2020 Candidates Focus on Public Education at Historic Forum
The Democratic Presidential Forum on Public Education was organized by unions, civil rights and education groups.
We Must Overcome Our Atomization to Beat Back Neoliberal Fascism
Movements in Chile, Colombia and Ecuador have gained momentum by resisting the isolation imposed by neoliberalism.
Chicago Teachers Didn’t Win Everything, But They’ve Transformed the City
The two-week walkout will also likely have reverberations for teachers and other union members outside of Chicago.
Chicago Teachers Celebrate End of Historic Strike After 11 Days
Thanks to grassroots pressure, the city agreed to bring on more nurses and limit class size.