Drug Pricing

Replace Patent Monopolies With Direct Public Funding for Drug Research
The savings in drug costs with generics would more than pay for funding the research.

Would a Compromise on the Drug Pricing Bill Be a Victory or Defeat?
President Trump has reached an agreement on the outlines of a prescription drug bill with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

How Poor Oversight and Fraud in Generic Drug Industry Threatens Patients’ Health
Manufacturers are cutting corners at the cost of quality and safety.

The Reality Behind the “Surging” US Economy
The average American's hourly pay rose just six cents in April this year, and only four cents the month before that.

Big Pharma Is Running an Elaborate Shell Game — and Lives Are at Stake
Big Pharma’s gambit to deflect attention and blame is dishonest and inaccurate.

Pressured by Grassroots Activism, Eli Lilly Announces Half-Price Insulin
Lilly announced last week that it is rolling out a half-priced, generic version of the medicine Humalog.

Big Pharma Gave Money to Patient Advocacy Groups Opposing Medicare Changes
About half of the groups representing patients have received funding from the pharmaceutical industry.

The Key to Cheap Drugs: Pay Research Costs Upfront
Government-granted patent monopolies are the cause of high drug prices.

Americans Cross Border Into Mexico to Buy Insulin at a Fraction of US Cost
For one patient, a three-month supply of insulin is $3,700 in the U.S. versus $600 in Mexico.

Trump Touts Generic Drug Approvals, But Many Won’t Be for Sale in US
Nearly half of newly approved generic drugs aren’t being sold in the United States.