Drug Pricing

US Waits for Trump to Tackle Drug Pricing as Big Pharma Goes on Lobbying Blitz
Trump has postponed a major policy speech.

Why Should the Poor Pay High Drug Prices?
What is good for Pfizer and Microsoft is not necessarily good for the whole country.

The Eli Lilly #Insulin4All Demonstration: Stop Price-Gouging People With Diabetes
Within seven years, the price of insulin has climbed nearly 300 percent.

Big Pharma Can Be Beaten: This Union Proved It
Nevada's Culinary Workers Union took on Big Pharma and won.

Price Transparency in Medicine Faces Stiff Opposition From Hospitals and Doctors
Political and business forces are opposing a common-sense solution to rein in high health care costs for patients: Let patients see prices.

Worried Sick About Prescription Costs
Drug corporations are bleeding Americans dry, and the proposed health care repeal will make things worse.

Trump’s Plan for Drug Pricing Executive Order Is a Big Pharma Wish List
Trump's planned executive order on drug pricing goes out of its way to end existing discounts to low-income people.

Should We Treat Pharma as a Public Utility?
Medications are a vital need like electricity, water and gas; it's time to recognize them as a public utility.

Major Breakthrough on Capitol Hill: Government May Make Drugs Cheaper
New drugs could be sold as generics.

Could Legalizing Prescription Drug Imports Break Big Pharma?
A new proposal to allow imports of cheaper prescription drugs may help break Big Pharma's monopoly on drug pricing.