Drug Pricing

Removing the Profit From Our Pills: The Case for a Public Pharma System
Vital safety and health services should be entrusted to institutions that are publicly accountable.

Pelosi’s Plan Is Not Enough. Lower Drug Prices Now Through a Public Option.
Pelosi released the “Lower Drug Costs Now Act” on September 19.

Government-Granted Patent Monopolies Are Driving Up Drug Prices
Without monopolies, drugs are cheap to make and there's no incentive to lie about their benefits and harms.

Trump Promises a “Phenomenal” Health Plan. What Does That Mean?
Likely elements of the plan are already in plain sight -- in executive actions and in the president’s budget proposal.

Pharma Cash Rolls Into Congress to Defend an Embattled Industry
Mitch McConnell, who is running for reelection, has seen an uptick in pharmaceutical industry donations this year.

Insulin Prices Killed Josh Wilkerson. Now His Mother Is Taking On Big Pharma.
“My son died at 27 because his income was insufficient for him to purchase insulin,” says Erin Weaver.

Drugmakers Master Rolling Out Their Own Generics to Stifle Competition
Big brand companies producing authorized generics maximize their profits by appearing to compete with themselves.

Senate Finance Committee Deals Blow to Big Pharma
The bill aims to reduce drug prices for seniors and save taxpayers billions on government-run health care programs.

High Cost of Insulin Sends Americans to Canada Where It’s 90 Percent Cheaper
Between 2012 and 2016, the cost of insulin nearly doubled.

A Former Industry Insider Reveals How Drug Companies Jack Up Prices
Frances Leath no longer works in management for Eli Lilly and Company, but she keeps tabs on the company.