Donald Trump

Entering Uncharted Territory in Washington: Are We in a New American World?
Lest you think that there's nothing new under the sun, the context for everything happening in our world is so new as to be outside of thousands of years …

The Trump Salute

Trumpian Fantasies: How Many Presidents Does It Take to Deport 11 Million People?
Neither Donald Trump nor Ted Cruz has considered what it might really mean to deport 11 million human beings.

Donald Trump’s Top Foreign Adviser, Joseph Schmitz, Is a Former Blackwater Executive
Trump announced a lineup of little-known foreign policy advisers.

Hateful Fanatic Number Two
As Republicans get desperate to stop Trump, the closest thing to a “Plan B” is a man they universally loathe.

The Incredible Trump

Trump’s Popularity and the Rise of Authoritarian Capitalism
Supporters of Donald Trump do not seem to count him as one of the elite billionaires whom they would otherwise shun.

Tuesday Primaries: Sanders Wins Utah and Idaho; Trump Still Leads in Delegates
Frontrunners win delegate-rich Arizona, while Bernie and Cruz pick up victories in smaller states.

New Yorkers Say “No” to Trump
New Yorkers rallied and marched in midtown Manhattan against the hate-mongering frontrunner for the Republican nomination.

Shades of “Papers, Please” Policing at Trump Rally
A US citizen arrested at a Trump rally was immediately turned over to immigration because of her Latina last name.