Donald Trump

The Conservative Activist Behind Trump’s Bogus “Millions of Illegal Voters” Claim
Trump sparked controversy when he claimed he “won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

The Anatomy of US Military Policy: An Interview With Andrew Bacevich
The US has a moral responsibility to work toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Is the US Ready for a Municipalist Movement?
The formation of anti-fascist coalitions provides the opportunity to convert dreams of social reform into a concrete and transformative program at the municipal level.

Dispatch From Little Rock: A Local Win in the Ongoing Fight Against Police Violence
Police shooting victim Eugene Ellison's family won the largest settlement ever reached in a Little Rock police case.

Labor Law Faces Dire New Threats From Supreme Court Under Trump
The legitimacy of the courts themselves is at stake in union-busting, right-to-work cases, such as Janus v. AFSCME.

Climate Action Is Up to the Rest of Us Now
With Trump in the White House, “there is no time to waste” on fighting climate change.

Tyrants of the World, Unite!

We May Not Know if Trump’s Foreign Business Deals Violate the Constitution
President-elect Donald Trump doesn't have to detail his business holdings in federal financial disclosures until May 2018.

Trump Ponders Petraeus for Senior Job
Trump's promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington is forgotten, as he meets with swamp creatures, like Petraeus.

Trump’s Secretary of Defense Presided Over Slaughter of Civilians in Fallujah
With the likes of Mattis, Flynn and Pompeo advising him, is Trump likely to increase US military interventions?