Donald Trump
William Rivers Pitt | How to Slow-Cook Trump Stew (American Style)
This recipe and many of its ingredients are highly toxic. Proceed with extreme caution.
Time to Implement a Fixed Minimum Tax Rate on the Wealthy
In 1944, the year billionaire investor Warren Buffett first paid income tax, Americans “soaked the rich” — and benefited mightily from the soaking.
The Danger With Trump’s “Election Rigging” Talk
As his presidential prospects continue to fade, Donald Trump has resorted to spreading conspiracies theories about voter fraud.
Learning to Claim Our Victories, or Why Fighting for Justice Is Like Surfing
Activists have never stopped working to make this a better world, and they offer us a kind of hope for our future that shouldn't be ignored.
“Obama Built the Structures for Trump”: A Terrifying Legacy of Mass Deportation
A highly militarized immigration enforcement apparatus is the frightening legacy of this Democratic presidency.
How Capitalism Fosters Bullying
Bullies are merely acting out in response to the norms and incentives of their militarized capitalist societies.
William Rivers Pitt | Sodom, Gomorrah and Trump: The Evangelical Quandary
This is the chosen vessel of God?
The Presidential Race to the Bottom
Donald Trump's candidacy is swirling around the toilet bowl and headed toward that final flush.
Donald Trump and the Dangerous Rhetoric of Portraying People as Objects
The history of American political discourse is riddled with the “thingification” of people.
Voting Is One Thing, but Let’s Not Let Partisan Loyalties Numb Us to Injustice
The downward spiral of the Democratic Party can only be stopped if we have a genuinely democratic multiparty system.