Donald Trump

William Rivers Pitt | Donald Trump Can Erase Your Rights With a Bar Napkin
Imagining Donald Trump with the power to impose martial law makes me want to burn a flag.

Dahr Jamail | James Mattis Is a War Criminal: I Experienced His Attack on Fallujah Firsthand
The selection of an unprosecuted war criminal for secretary of defense is an affront to the rule of international law.

Money Trumps Expectations: Investment Politics in 2016
Opening the books on election funding reveals the role of organized money and media airtime is stronger than ever.

New Memo Reveals the Trump Administration’s Energy Plan
The future the Trump administration's energy agenda is revealed in a memo.

Why Private Prison Company GEO Group Backed Donald Trump
I've been worried about corporate political spending since long before Citizens United.

Businesses Are Beginning to Realize That Smart Money Is in Renewable Energy
Much of the private energy sector has turned a corner, looking to profit from clean technology.

Koch Cash Was Instrumental in Key Senate Races and May Have Buoyed Trump
Koch's backed 19 Senate candidates, and only two lost. Their efforts helped Trump in those states.

How Donald Trump Is Connected to the Flint Water Crisis
Trump's pick for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, was instrumental in passing the law that set the stage for the Flint water crisis.

Overpaid Oil CEOs for Top Diplomat?
Donald Trump is reportedly vetting ExxonMobil's current and former CEO for the job of secretary of state.

Nine Things President Obama Could Do Before Leaving Office to Reveal the Nature of the National Security State
Publish, punish and pardon.