Donald Trump

With Trump Impeachment Petition Nearing 4 Million Signatures, Democratic Mega-Donor’s “Digital Army” Gains Steam
Stayer's “Impeach Trump” petition was met with disdain from Democratic leaders.

Looking Beyond Trump and Building Toward Reproductive Justice
Activism isn't all doom and gloom.

We Can Reimagine and Reinvent Our Society in 2018
Let's say goodbye to top-down revolutions and embrace grassroots action.

Former Federal Judge: Trump Is Packing the Courts With Unqualified Conservative Extremists
Judge Shira Scheindlin discusses more.

Ten High School Protests That Defied the Trump Agenda in 2017
High school students boldly challenged Trump in 2017.

In Bid to Save Big Oil $900 Million, Trump Moves to Scrap Offshore Drilling Safety Rules
The oil and gas industry is poised to save hundreds of millions of dollars.

Trump Vowed to Fix US Infrastructure — but His Budget Stiffs Small Towns
Much-needed financial support for small communities is threatened by the Trump administration's budget and tax plans.

Will the Resistance Win in 2018?
When victories are elusive, it's time to learn to love the fight. We must never give up the resistance.

William Rivers Pitt | Peace: A Christmas Present to Yourself
Peace and endurance will find justice one day.

Who Owns Tips? If Trump’s Department of Labor Gets Its Way, Employers, Not Workers
Transfer of money from workers up to their bosses is no small change.