Donald Trump

Implementing the Sino-Russian Blueprint for a Tripolar World Order
In this order, war will be a perpetual part of life.

Like Richard Nixon, Donald Trump Has Created an Enemies List
With Rand Paul serving as his henchman, Trump now threatens John Brennan, Jim Clapper, James Comey and others.

Trump Continues to Use the Presidency to Benefit His Properties
Perhaps US taxpayers are actually the ones keeping Trump's hotels afloat.

Big Pharma Cozies Up to Trump as He Moves to Lower Drug Prices
Big pharma is blaming others in the drug supply chain while pushing policies to protect its own bottom line.

Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo Push Confrontation With Iran
Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, discusses more.

What’s Different About Trump’s New Travel Ban
How does this new order impact people from affected, Muslim-majority countries?

Carter Page Warrant Has Trump Claiming Russian Interference Is All a “Hoax”
Release of the FISA documents undercuts the “deep state” theory -- but not for Trump or his Twitter followers.

Here’s an Incredible Offer, Donald: Resign
Trump likes signing his name. Let him do it one last time.

Helsinki Wasn’t Enough — Now Putin’s Coming to the White House
Dan Coats and Christopher Wray both hint they may quit, Senate rebukes Trump -- and now Putin plans a fall visit.

Los Angeles’s “Counter-Terrorism” Program Could Sweep 10 Million Into Dragnet
The city’s Countering Violent Extremism program is drawing fire from many quarters.