Donald Trump

Trump Has Bigger Legal Problems Than Mueller
For Donald Trump, this elevator only goes down.

Fighting Racism With a Racist in the White House
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on how all movements can center the struggle against racism.

Trump Inaugural Chair Sought Profit From Connections to Administration
Federal prosecutors are now conducting a wide-ranging probe into the nonprofit that ran the inauguration.

Separation Nation
The Trump administration announced it will not be returning the thousands of children it kidnapped.

Kavanaugh’s Presence at SOTU Represented Failure of US Democracy
Ana María Archila made headlines when she confronted Sen. Jeff Flake over his support for Kavanaugh's nomination.

Rep. Ilhan Omar Slams Trump’s Remarks on Border, Venezuela, Israel
During his SOTU address, Trump attacked immigrants and reiterated his demand for a border wall.

I Had a Third-Trimester Abortion. The President Called Me a Murderer.
Hundreds of women cannot speak out about their reproductive choices because of the stigma echoed in Trump's SOTU.

Ocasio-Cortez: Attack on Socialism Shows Trump Is Scared of Progressives
Republicans and many Democrats rose and enthusiastically applauded Trump's attack on socialism during his SOTU address.

Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
So much for bipartisanship. So much for reality.

Dark Money — Coming From a Shell Company Near You
Corporations are being created with the primary purpose of concealing the true source of super PAC donations.