
COVID-19 Task Force to Refocus on “Opening” the US Despite FEMA and HHS Doubts
FEMA and HHS officials predict “the numbers of deaths definitely will be high” if the country is “reopened.”

Mass Unemployment Amid the Pandemic Is an Indictment of Capitalism
Worker co-ops lack capitalism’s irrational fixation on profit, so they are not subject to boom-and-bust job cycles.

McConnell’s Pandemic Priority Is Appointing Conservative Judges
McConnell and Trump’s appointees threaten not only the COVID-19 recovery, but also federal programs for decades to come.

The Fed Just Changed Its Own Rules to Bail Out the Fossil Fuel Industry
The Federal Reserve can now give emergency loans to a sector that’s been buried in debt since long before the pandemic.

After Bailout, United Airlines Urges Workers to Leave or Face Layoffs
The company also plans to cut hours for 15,000 airport workers, a move which violates the CARES Act, lawmakers say.

80 Percent of People Held in Ohio’s Marion Prison Test Positive for COVID-19
Eleven prisoners and one staff member have died at the Marion Correctional Institution.

Navajo Nation Suffers Third-Highest COVID-19 Infection Rate in US
The Indian Health Service is funded at one-third the rate per capita as Medicare.

Mail-In Voting Must Be Made Accessible to Disabled Voters
A lawsuit filed by blind voters exposes holes in Michigan’s absentee system for voting during the pandemic.

Trump Is Ignoring Fears Over Reopening Because He Wants a “Great Fourth Quarter”
Despite current economic hardship, an overwhelming majority of Americans don’t want to “reopen” the economy right now.

Far Right Group Behind Boston’s “Straight Pride” Also Organized “Reopen” Protest
The event, labeled “The Liberty Rally,” was organized by the far right organization Super Happy Fun America.