
Indigenous Leadership Points the Way Out of the COVID Crisis
Indigenous communities already operate informal economies set up to sustain them amid government ineptitude and neglect.

Following Mexico’s Worker Strikes, the US Steps in to Keep Border Factories Open
When workers protested the illegal operation of the factories, the law was changed to deem the factories “essential.”

Activists Demand Worker Safety Plans as COVID-19 Surges in Meat Plants
A coalition has announced a Meatless May Mondays campaign to draw attention to the conditions meat plant workers face.

Demanding Tax Cut in Next Stimulus Package, Trump Holds COVID Relief Hostage
The payroll tax cut would undermine Social Security and Medicare funding and offer no relief for 30 million unemployed.

The Pentagon Continues to Profit at Taxpayers’ Expense During Pandemic
It's time to reduce the defense budget and put more resources into the real crisis at hand.

Small Devices Can Detect Oxygen Deprivation Earlier From COVID-19
Pulse oximeters can be an early warning system to help detect the virus sooner, says one ER doctor.

Surviving Pandemics Is Indigenous Resistance
Kelly Hayes talks with Morning Star Gali about Native life and death in the age of COVID-19.

Trump Just Doubled His Previous Projections for COVID-19 Deaths in the US
Trump said as many as 100,000 could die from coronavirus, though some researchers say even that estimate is too low.

Trump Restricts COVID-19 Relief Funds From Hospitals Serving Nation’s Poorest
The Trump administration is disproportionately allocating relief funds to higher-revenue hospitals.

Defying Trump and Their Governors, Many Workers Are Refusing to “Reopen”
Recent polling puts public support for continuing the stay-at-home orders at a staggering 76 percent.