There Is an Alternative to Capitalism: Spanish City Mondragon Shows the Way
Why are we told a broken system that creates vast inequality is the only choice? Spain's amazing co-op is living proof otherwise.
Lost Elections’ Strategic Lessons for Workers’ Movements Everywhere
To understand last week's election results, we need to consider the 1930s Great Depression when the opposite happened.
The Disaster Capitalism Curriculum: The High Price of Education Reform (Episode I)
Romney's speech on education would be hilarious - that is if anyone seemed to get the joke.
Everything Dies
Call me a convert, but I'm beginning to dig this whole let-the-marketplace-work-it-out capitalism thing.
End Corporate Personhood
(Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Arizona changed its law after 1886 so that the word person would include nonliving as well as living legal entities: “‘Person’ includes …
Got Class Warfare? Occupy Wall Street Now!
Class warfare has once again entered the vocabulary of mainstream national politics, but with a strange twist.
Unequal Wealth
(Image: JR / Truthout) In the absence of the controls recommended by the Founders and early state regulation, corporations have continued to grow in size and power …
Unequal Protection: The Deciding Moment?
Part of the American Revolution was about to be lost a century after it had been fought.
Tiger Woods and the Branding of Public Discourse
The real tragedy of Tiger Woods's career is that all he really modeled for young people and the larger public was the shallow notion that talent and fame can …
How the Rich Are Destroying the Planet
A review and translated excerpt of the book from Herv Kempf, along with a conversation with the author.