Politics & Elections
“A Terrible Idea”: The Full Failure of E-Voting, E-Counting, “Open Source” and Internet Voting
“Open source” used with electronic voting and tallying systems are not a solution.
Reporting From Donetsk: Children of War 2.0
I see destroyed shops, broken fences, roofs with holes where shells struck, windows boarded up with plywood, and deserted streets. The local people are living in bomb shelters.
Predictions Based on the 2015 Federal Budget
The ultimate conclusion we can draw from this “bipartisan” process is that there is no sense of national interest, and damn little sense of community, in the American political …
The New Robber Barons
What happened in Washington over the past several days sounds strikingly familiar to the First Gilded Age.
To 2016 and Beyond: an Open Letter to the DLP from an Academic-Activist
Quite a few pundits have admonished the Democratic Party for running poor national and state campaigns during 2014, providing insights into potentially more effective campaigning in 2016.
Mike Gravel to Sen. Mark Udall: Make Full Torture Probe Public Like I Did With Pentagon Papers
On the Senate floor last week, outgoing Democratic Sen. Mark Udall called for a purge of top CIA officials implicated in the torture program and cover-up.
Call Congress to Oppose Back-Room Wall Street Deal
Activists have been fighting on two fronts to protect hard-won provisions of the Dodd-Frank financial reform act.
Red-Red-Green Is Triumphant!
Injustice is a complicated matter.
Beyond the Election
Fewer voters historically turn out for midterms, but this year that total was the lowest in 72 years.
Will Obama’s Police Reforms Bring Change? Admin Urged to Seize Political Momentum of Ferguson Moment
Responding to the protests in Ferguson and cities nationwide, President Obama has announced several new actions.