Politics & Elections
Bishop McNeill of the Center for Freethought Equality: “I See the Day When We Will Elect an Openly Atheist President”
Bishop McNeill is the Political Coordinator for the Center for Free-thought and Equality where his work focuses on achieving equality by protecting the separation of church and state and …
God’s Final Interview
In an imagined “final interview” with God, a man must face the reality of wars made in the name of God.
CIA Admits to Spying on Senate but No Prosecutions to Follow
The CIA's inspector general released a report confirming that three of the agency's information technology specialists and two CIA lawyers spied on the computers and communications of the Senate …
An Eyewitness to Shujaia Massacre
“We are still alive, physically well, breathing. But we are not ok.”
Protests Greet Lawmakers, Corporate Officials Gathering in Dallas as New Arm of ALEC Is Announced
Much of ALEC's agenda for this week's meeting is returning to the organization's focus on promoting the extraction, production and exportation of fossil fuels.
Bungling Toward Oblivion: A Letter to My Friends in Russia
Empathy is a human quality that is best engendered through a personal acquaintance with individuals.
Clean, Green and Hypocritical
What does it mean when clean, green and safe are nothing more than words to paint a politician as good for the people when, in reality, their actions are …
The Ten Commandments of Movement Solidarity
After a decade of grassroots advocacy, my personal belief is that the greatest obstacle to positive change in the world isn't corporations, the government, or the 1%, but lack …
Win Without War Statement on House Passage of McGovern-Jones-Lee Iraq Resolution
H. Con. Res. 105 is a strong, clear statement of congressional opposition to US military intervention in Iraq.
The Blame for MH 17 Isn’t Russia’s Alone
The ultimate responsibility for this disaster falls on those whose actions led to the civil war in the Ukraine.