Environment & Health

Plastics Chemicals Are Disrupting Our Hormones, and the FDA Is Dragging Its Feet
American industry, aided by federal regulators, is conducting a large-scale, consequential public health experiment.

COP25 Was a Failure, But Activists’ Collective Organizing Was Unprecedented
Scores of civil society groups condemned governments for a deal that requires far less action than needed.

Since Paris Agreement, Financial Firms Have Sunk $745 Billion Into New Coal
Financing for coal alone is still huge and must be addressed under the guidance of the Paris Agreement.

Orangutans Pay a Steep Price for the World’s Palm Oil
In just 20 years, palm oil producers have destroyed more than 80 percent of orangutan habitat.

Students at Prestigious Universities Rise Up Against Fossil Fuel Money
Campaigns at MIT, Harvard, Yale and University of California are demanding divestment from fossil fuels.

Energy Loss on Electric Grid Is Overlooked Source of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Annual emissions from energy loss on the electric grid total more than the entire emissions produced by some industries.

“Ag-Gag” Laws Expose Whistleblowers to Prosecution for Reporting Animal Abuse
Those who expose animal abuse face criminal prosecution in several states because of these laws.

ALEC Behind Ohio Bill Criminalizing Protests Against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure
The “Critical Infrastructure Protection Act” makes it a felony to trespass on energy company property.

Climate Policy Should Reflect the Resilience of Northern Indigenous Communities
Indigenous knowledge is an essential asset for communities to adapt to climate change.

“Market Solutions” Won’t Bring Climate Justice. Eco-Feminism Is an Alternative.
Eco-feminism undergirds protests against lack of action and representation at official UN summit.